Winter 2015 Contents
Letter from the Editor Essay: "What Does it Mean to Know?" by Mark Shelhamer Essay: "Knowledge of Information" by Randy Isaac Photo Essay: "Being Here" by Carol Ruppel Essay: "Truth, Anyone?" by Walt Hearn Poem: "Transformation" by Ruth Hoppin Interview: "Unpacking Chance, Providence, and the Abraham's Dice Conference: A conversation with Karl Giberson" by Olivia Peterson Essay: "On Knowledge and Information: Tales from an English Childhood" by Mike Clifford Poem: "Space Travel" by Ruth Hoppin Essay: "Resuming the Science/Fath Conversation: Some Introductory Reflections on the 2014 ASA/CSCA Meeting with an Emphasis on Interdisciplinary Studies" by Jamin Hubner |
Upcoming in God & Nature :
"Animals and the Image of God" SUMMER 2015 "Doubt and Searching" FALL 2015 "Technology and the Church" WINTER 2016 "Quantum Physics, Epigenetics, and God" (Submit all inquiries to: [email protected]) |