God and Nature Fall 2023
By Brian Greuel
The Affiliation of Christian Biologists (ACB) reemerged about 18 months ago, after a long hibernation, with new officers and freshly defined Mission, Vision, and Values statements. Since that time, we have hosted three online Zoom events and created an online database in EndNote format for publications in ASA’s journal Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith. In this article, I would like to cast a vision for future initiatives within the ACB and solicit your input and active involvement.
Regular ACB Zoom Events
Our goal is to have at least six online Zoom events per year that are open to ACB/ASA members and occasionally also to the public. These 90-minute events typically involve a 50-minute presentation on a topic related to biology and the Christian faith, followed by a time for Q&A. If you are interested in speaking, or have suggestions for possible speakers, please let us know.
The Affiliation of Christian Biologists (ACB) reemerged about 18 months ago, after a long hibernation, with new officers and freshly defined Mission, Vision, and Values statements. Since that time, we have hosted three online Zoom events and created an online database in EndNote format for publications in ASA’s journal Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith. In this article, I would like to cast a vision for future initiatives within the ACB and solicit your input and active involvement.
Regular ACB Zoom Events
Our goal is to have at least six online Zoom events per year that are open to ACB/ASA members and occasionally also to the public. These 90-minute events typically involve a 50-minute presentation on a topic related to biology and the Christian faith, followed by a time for Q&A. If you are interested in speaking, or have suggestions for possible speakers, please let us know.
Well-Developed ACB Website
We are currently exploring options for an external ACB website to maximize space and functionality and make it more readily accessible to online search engines. In addition to publicizing future events and posting summaries of past events, the site could include a monthly blog, host online discussions, and disseminate helpful links and documents on a variety of topics related to biology and the Christian faith. Access to some resources, such as an ACB membership list, would be restricted to ACB members.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Since the field of biology is so broad, we plan to form Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to bring people together who share common interests in biology. These groups would facilitate networking, fellowship, and an exchange of ideas through online journal clubs, book discussions, presentations, and other activities. SIG members could work together on projects like planning an ACB/ASA Zoom event (see above) or symposia for future ASA conferences. They could engage in writing projects or contribute resources to the ACB website. The leader of each SIG would serve with ACB Officers (currently myself, Carlos Pinkham, and Angela Fletcher) on the ACB Steering Committee to determine the direction and activities of the ACB.
Sy Garte is serving as leader for a SIG on the Origin of Life and is currently recruiting members. Other ideas for SIGs could include Evolution/Creation, Bioethics, Biology Education, Biotechnology, Creation Care, etc. Please let us know if you are interested in leading or being a member of a group.
Mentoring Program
An ACB Mentoring Program would pair late-career ACB/ASA members with early- to mid-career biologists in the ACB/ASA to support members at specific stages of their life, education, and career. Not only would this fulfill one of the stated missions of the ACB, it could also facilitate individual engagement with the ASA, improving retention of ASA members.
What Do ACB Members Need?
What is missing in the list above? What else do you wish the ACB was doing? How else would you contribute to the mission of the ACB and ASA? Your input and active involvement are greatly needed!
Brian Greuel is a fellow of the ASA and President of the Affiliation of Christian Biologists. He retired from John Brown University in 2021 after more than 23 years of service as a professor, Chair of the Biology Department, and Chair of the Natural Science Division. He earned his B.S. in Biology from Wheaton College, his M.S. in Botany from Ohio State University, and his Ph.D in Molecular Biology from Washington University in St. Louis. He also completed a three-year postdoctoral fellowship in mouse embryonic development at the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute in Toronto, Ontario.
We are currently exploring options for an external ACB website to maximize space and functionality and make it more readily accessible to online search engines. In addition to publicizing future events and posting summaries of past events, the site could include a monthly blog, host online discussions, and disseminate helpful links and documents on a variety of topics related to biology and the Christian faith. Access to some resources, such as an ACB membership list, would be restricted to ACB members.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Since the field of biology is so broad, we plan to form Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to bring people together who share common interests in biology. These groups would facilitate networking, fellowship, and an exchange of ideas through online journal clubs, book discussions, presentations, and other activities. SIG members could work together on projects like planning an ACB/ASA Zoom event (see above) or symposia for future ASA conferences. They could engage in writing projects or contribute resources to the ACB website. The leader of each SIG would serve with ACB Officers (currently myself, Carlos Pinkham, and Angela Fletcher) on the ACB Steering Committee to determine the direction and activities of the ACB.
Sy Garte is serving as leader for a SIG on the Origin of Life and is currently recruiting members. Other ideas for SIGs could include Evolution/Creation, Bioethics, Biology Education, Biotechnology, Creation Care, etc. Please let us know if you are interested in leading or being a member of a group.
Mentoring Program
An ACB Mentoring Program would pair late-career ACB/ASA members with early- to mid-career biologists in the ACB/ASA to support members at specific stages of their life, education, and career. Not only would this fulfill one of the stated missions of the ACB, it could also facilitate individual engagement with the ASA, improving retention of ASA members.
What Do ACB Members Need?
What is missing in the list above? What else do you wish the ACB was doing? How else would you contribute to the mission of the ACB and ASA? Your input and active involvement are greatly needed!
Brian Greuel is a fellow of the ASA and President of the Affiliation of Christian Biologists. He retired from John Brown University in 2021 after more than 23 years of service as a professor, Chair of the Biology Department, and Chair of the Natural Science Division. He earned his B.S. in Biology from Wheaton College, his M.S. in Botany from Ohio State University, and his Ph.D in Molecular Biology from Washington University in St. Louis. He also completed a three-year postdoctoral fellowship in mouse embryonic development at the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute in Toronto, Ontario.