I Have a Piece of Cow in My Heartby John Pohl
I wake up I have a piece of cow in my heart I hear it always. Sounds at my medical center TNF alpha, Toll-like receptors “I feel bad. I feel weak. I have a fever.” BRCA1 gene “Mrs. Rodriguez, you have an abnormal mammogram”. “But doctor, I’m 35 and have 2 children. I can’t have cancer.” APC gene “You have colon cancer. A CT scan is scheduled. Our surgeons will talk to you.” IL-10, heat shock proteins The patient’s blood pressure is falling. His cardiac output cannot go any higher. “I am dying. I am scared. Why did they bring a minister to my room?” MMP-9, TGF beta-1 “My asthma is really bad, doctor.” Nitric oxide “Will my baby boy get off the ventilator?” CD4 T-cell count “Differential includes infections, viruses, bacteria, fungi. Why does cancer sometimes act like an infection?” Stellate cells, HLA-DRB1 “Yeah, the other doctor said I need to quit drinking. I guess my liver is worse…” GABRA2, CRHR1 “…But I can’t stop, doc!” Eotaxin, eosinophils How fair is that? Our country finally gets clean water and antibiotics, infections subside, and we get food allergies, asthma, and eczema. I drive home from the hospital. Stuck in traffic again. Thinking. Multi-factorial genetic inheritance affecting me since birth I always have to think about my heart. I have a piece of cow in my heart. I hear it always. miRNA, genomics, proteomics, epigenetics. Bacterial biodiversity influencing my lifespan, interacting with my eukaryote cells. God, this is so complex. I have a story written in my genome. I share the story with the billions of my species. The way my life will end is likely written in my cells. My children’s cells share my same experience. God, are you there? Do you understand me? No answer. After dinner and before bed I pray. I read. I search the literature. And then I hear it, I think… I gave you a genome to show you mortality and to see the edge of My Eternity. I gave you My Son to show you that I understand your fear. I hear silence again. I have a piece of cow in my heart. Someday it will quit working. But I have peace. I go to bed I have a piece of cow it my heart. I hear it always. |