God and Nature Fall 2019

By James R. Johnson
What is the purpose and source of the universe?
This is one of the most fundamental and intriguing questions humans can ask. Two possible answers are no purpose and a life purpose. The source in the first case we might call “Just Exists." The source in the second case is an Intelligent Designer.
In either of those scenarios, there could be just one unique universe, or a multiverse with many universes. And in either scenario, for our universe to be the way it is, physical theories must produce the values of masses and forces equivalent to observed values. (Such theories include Inflation, String Theory, and Quantum Gravity (1)). These values exhibit what has been called fine-tuning: if they were even slightly different, life in our universe would not be possible. What does this mean?
What is the purpose and source of the universe?
This is one of the most fundamental and intriguing questions humans can ask. Two possible answers are no purpose and a life purpose. The source in the first case we might call “Just Exists." The source in the second case is an Intelligent Designer.
In either of those scenarios, there could be just one unique universe, or a multiverse with many universes. And in either scenario, for our universe to be the way it is, physical theories must produce the values of masses and forces equivalent to observed values. (Such theories include Inflation, String Theory, and Quantum Gravity (1)). These values exhibit what has been called fine-tuning: if they were even slightly different, life in our universe would not be possible. What does this mean?
"Particles have mass, and forces have strengths. Both are established by initial energy theories." |

Some might argue that purpose is a human concept and therefore irrelevant when discussing the universe (or multiverse) in a scientific framework. Thus, if the universe has no purpose and its corresponding source is Just Exists, then life is incidental, a fluke occurrence. On the other hand, the possibility of life is assured if the source is an Intelligent Designer.
Some scientists indeed propose that life and consciousness are part of the universe’s agenda—and here we are, intelligent life able to observe, explore, theorize, and explain the universe from our insignificant place on an unassuming planet. Purpose is demonstrated by the way nuclear forces form atoms; the way stars are created and exist for billions of years; the way atoms contain electrons, which absorb and disperse photons from discrete energy states, bind elements together to form molecules, and transfer energy to support living organisms; the way DNA reproduces cells; and the way intelligence and consciousness evolved. An amazing, almost magical, sequence of events that suggests that the universe may be set up to guarantee the emergence of intelligent life.
Assumptions: one or many?
Physical theories providing the energy source for the Big Bang assume the laws of nature—the laws of physics (electromagnetism, thermodynamics, relativity, and quantum mechanics) and a set of universal rules, including mathematical logic, three space dimensions and one time dimension, multiple forces and fields, and fundamental particle specifications. Thus, empty “space” is something; it contains universal rules and laws of physics (1).
If the source of creation Just Exists, as in the Inflation Theory, for example, then the Big Bang mysteriously arose with universal rules and the laws of physics inherently in their specific form. Because of the various universal rules and laws of physics, this option requires multiple assumptions (or an infinite number of universes—a multiverse). On the other hand, with an Intelligent Designer as the ultimate source, only one assumption is required. Universal rules and laws of physics would be subsequently created by the Intelligent Designer.
A quote from Roy Gould eloquently describes the ingenious design for our universe. “For example, you and I and the world’s greatest engineers could not accomplish very much using only the simplest element, hydrogen. Yet the universe has fashioned this unassuming material into the great engines of creation—the stars—which manufacture chemical elements and spew them across space” (2).
Initial energy source for fine-tuning and a sustainable process
Energy and matter transform according to universal rules and laws of physics. Particles have mass, and forces have strengths. Both are established by initial energy theories. The values for our universe must be very close to their current values to create a sustainable process; this is part of the fine-tuning we mentioned above. Initial energy theories might contain an energy field such as the inflaton field (inflation theory) or exist as a perpetual energy source (bounce/cyclic theory).
All theories must produce identical particle masses and force strengths as observed in our Big Bang. Other values would produce mostly chaotic results and nothing sustainable (3). That these fine-tuned unique values “Just Exist” appears improbable. The possibility the values represent our unique universe out of an infinite number of universes in the multiverse, most of them with no stars, planets, or life, also has skeptics, especially regarding its testability. I believe that the alternative, that our universe was designed by an Intelligent Designer, is more rational.
Assumptions for initial energy source provide a choice among three options: coincidence, a multiverse, and intelligent design. Our universe has fine-tuned values for particle masses and force strengths that infer design over a coincidence or multiverse. The universe acts as if its purpose is to produce life, and it appears to follow a building plan. Rational analysis can support the choice of an Intelligent Designer as the ultimate source of creation over the Just Exists option. An Intelligent Designer requires only one assumption as opposed to many, and an ingenious, fine-tuned design that Just Exists is an improbable occurrence.
The existence of life, the inherent existence of the laws of nature, and the nature of initial energy and fine-tuning can all point to an Intelligent Designer as the source, and to life as the purpose of the universe. This conclusion complements religious doctrine regarding creation.
1. Johnson, James. 2018. “Multiverse Assumptions.” The Journal of Philosophy and Cosmology (Vol. 20), 8-17.
2. Gould, Roy. 2018. Universe in Creation, a New Understanding of the Big Bang and the Emergence of Life. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
3. Johnson, James. 2016. “Creating a Universe, a Conceptual Model.” The Journal of Philosophy and Cosmology (Vol. 17), 86-105.
James Johnson retired from business in 2005. His hobby is cosmology theory, specifically fundamental theoretical questions about the cosmos. He lives in Dallas and has a degree in Industrial Engineering (University of Illinois, 1967) and an MBA (University of Iowa, 1972).
Some scientists indeed propose that life and consciousness are part of the universe’s agenda—and here we are, intelligent life able to observe, explore, theorize, and explain the universe from our insignificant place on an unassuming planet. Purpose is demonstrated by the way nuclear forces form atoms; the way stars are created and exist for billions of years; the way atoms contain electrons, which absorb and disperse photons from discrete energy states, bind elements together to form molecules, and transfer energy to support living organisms; the way DNA reproduces cells; and the way intelligence and consciousness evolved. An amazing, almost magical, sequence of events that suggests that the universe may be set up to guarantee the emergence of intelligent life.
Assumptions: one or many?
Physical theories providing the energy source for the Big Bang assume the laws of nature—the laws of physics (electromagnetism, thermodynamics, relativity, and quantum mechanics) and a set of universal rules, including mathematical logic, three space dimensions and one time dimension, multiple forces and fields, and fundamental particle specifications. Thus, empty “space” is something; it contains universal rules and laws of physics (1).
If the source of creation Just Exists, as in the Inflation Theory, for example, then the Big Bang mysteriously arose with universal rules and the laws of physics inherently in their specific form. Because of the various universal rules and laws of physics, this option requires multiple assumptions (or an infinite number of universes—a multiverse). On the other hand, with an Intelligent Designer as the ultimate source, only one assumption is required. Universal rules and laws of physics would be subsequently created by the Intelligent Designer.
A quote from Roy Gould eloquently describes the ingenious design for our universe. “For example, you and I and the world’s greatest engineers could not accomplish very much using only the simplest element, hydrogen. Yet the universe has fashioned this unassuming material into the great engines of creation—the stars—which manufacture chemical elements and spew them across space” (2).
Initial energy source for fine-tuning and a sustainable process
Energy and matter transform according to universal rules and laws of physics. Particles have mass, and forces have strengths. Both are established by initial energy theories. The values for our universe must be very close to their current values to create a sustainable process; this is part of the fine-tuning we mentioned above. Initial energy theories might contain an energy field such as the inflaton field (inflation theory) or exist as a perpetual energy source (bounce/cyclic theory).
All theories must produce identical particle masses and force strengths as observed in our Big Bang. Other values would produce mostly chaotic results and nothing sustainable (3). That these fine-tuned unique values “Just Exist” appears improbable. The possibility the values represent our unique universe out of an infinite number of universes in the multiverse, most of them with no stars, planets, or life, also has skeptics, especially regarding its testability. I believe that the alternative, that our universe was designed by an Intelligent Designer, is more rational.
Assumptions for initial energy source provide a choice among three options: coincidence, a multiverse, and intelligent design. Our universe has fine-tuned values for particle masses and force strengths that infer design over a coincidence or multiverse. The universe acts as if its purpose is to produce life, and it appears to follow a building plan. Rational analysis can support the choice of an Intelligent Designer as the ultimate source of creation over the Just Exists option. An Intelligent Designer requires only one assumption as opposed to many, and an ingenious, fine-tuned design that Just Exists is an improbable occurrence.
The existence of life, the inherent existence of the laws of nature, and the nature of initial energy and fine-tuning can all point to an Intelligent Designer as the source, and to life as the purpose of the universe. This conclusion complements religious doctrine regarding creation.
1. Johnson, James. 2018. “Multiverse Assumptions.” The Journal of Philosophy and Cosmology (Vol. 20), 8-17.
2. Gould, Roy. 2018. Universe in Creation, a New Understanding of the Big Bang and the Emergence of Life. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
3. Johnson, James. 2016. “Creating a Universe, a Conceptual Model.” The Journal of Philosophy and Cosmology (Vol. 17), 86-105.
James Johnson retired from business in 2005. His hobby is cosmology theory, specifically fundamental theoretical questions about the cosmos. He lives in Dallas and has a degree in Industrial Engineering (University of Illinois, 1967) and an MBA (University of Iowa, 1972).