Contents: Summer 2012Letter from the editor
The Director's Corner Faith on the Field Fred Heeren "Exploring Neandertals with Erik Trinkaus" Modern Frontiers, Ancient Faith Gavin Merrifield "Humanity 2.0" Poem Holly Ordway "Temptation in the Wired Wilderness" Beyond Science Walt Hearn "Old and New" Opinion Ryan Althaus "The Breaking Bread" Clearing the Middle Path Peter Hess "Nature, Spirit, and Mount Shasta" Poem Amy Chai "Ziggurat (and Helix)" Great Gravity! Bill Morse "The Grade School Years" Opinion Sy Garte "Adam and the Origin of Man" Poem Eugene Lemcio "Missa Solemnis" Time Capsule Thomas Burnett "Asa Gray and the Emergence of Modern Biology" Dear God a comic for the searching scientist writer/artist Emily Ruppel |