Fall 2024
table of ContentsLetter from the Editors; by Sy Garte and Anikó Albert
ESSAYS Five Smooth Stones; by Beth Madison Genesis and Evolution—The Same Life Animates Both; by David Dickenson Thoughts on the Film ‘Is Genesis History?’ by Arnie Berg Our Cells and Our Organs; by Carlos F. A. Pinkham The Questions We Ask AI; by Tony Mitchell How French Christians saved the life of Alexander Grothendieck; by Jari Taskinen COLUMN: ON CAMERA--SCRIPTURE IN CREATION When You Fear Drowning; by Cheryl Grey Bostrom COLUMN: ACROSS THE POND Autumnal greetings from Nottingham; by Mike Clifford COLUMN: FOOD FOR THE SOUL--RECIPES FOR FLOURISHING Food for the Soul 2; by Kristine Johnson POETRY Morning Prayer; by Mark Strand Sonrise; by Andrew Budek-Schmeisser Note to readers: Formatting of this magazine might be distorted on some phones and browsers, which unfortunately cannot be corrected on this website. |