Conversation on Creationby Carol Owens
I say to him, “I find it hard to believe that what so profoundly blew out in that first nanosecond wasn’t deliberately engineered and embued with power beyond itself. So, I ask, What power? What nursed the subatomic First that surged into cauldrons of imminent creation in one searing flash; into universes, parallel undulations, strings and whorls, and scaffolds of places? Then off into endless strands of intricate, determinative signals, Dancing into Life. —With no help from anybody?— So, I ask, Is God? Or not?” “Yes,” he says. “He is.” “Well then,” I say, I don’t understand why someone that impressive would choose earth to show up on, an finite fly-speck on the back sides of an unremarkable galaxy. And even worse, miniscule man for self-revelation; To talk to. I mean, really.” “Well,” he says, “I’m no theologian, and I don’t know of course, but I believe He did it just because He could.” |