Summer 2013 CONtents
Column: Beyond Science
"Making Stuff" by Walt Hearn Letter from the Editor Creativity and ...Humility? by Emily Ruppel Column: Faith on the Field "Finding Hominids with Kimoya Kimeu" by Fred Heeren Poem: "Trying Not to Be Too Sunny" by Mary Harwell Sayler Comic: "Work in Progress" by Emily Ruppel Essay: "Do the Heavens Declare the Glory of God?" by Owen Gingerich Essay: "Science, Faith, and Creativity" by Ruth Bancewicz Essay: "One Summer" by Dave Harrity Comic: "Miracle Mechanics" by Emily Ruppel FEATURED ESSAY: "Poetry for Scientists?" by Walt Hearn Artwork: LandScrapes: "Confluence" by Harold Sikkema Column: Great Gravity! "The Great Ungainly Journey West" by Bill Morse |
Please follow along with us via the God and Nature blog or RSS feed this season. We'll be releasing new articles each week; at the end of the season, you'll be able to read God and Nature in its original spare and simple click-through format.
We'll add to the table of contents as articles become publicly available. As always, we're eager to hear from you, so send us a contact form if you have questions, feedback, or a submission for us! |