Winter 2014 Contents
Letter from the Editor
Poem: "I Have a Piece of Cow in My Heart" by John F. Pohl Essay: "Acts of God: Are all mutations random?" by Sy Garte Column: Beyond Science: "Spare Parts" by Walt Hearn Poem: "Psalm 1859" by Steve Roels Essay: "The Tao of Departing: How Hospice is Transforming Medical Care" by William R. Nesbitt Photo Essay: "Walking in Winter" by Thomas Jay Oord Essay: "A Christian Doctor on Evolution, Faith, and Suffering" by John F. Pohl Opinion: "Making Friends with Frankencorn" by Emily Ruppel Poem: "Chiaroscuro" by Carlos Pinkham Interview: "Biopsychology and Faith" with Heather Looy Essay: "The Elegance of Antibodies" by Craig Story Artwork: Landscrapes "Helix" by Harold Sikkema Column: Great Gravity! "Dissertations and Revelations" by Bill Morse |