searchGod & Nature Magazine: An ASA PublicationGod & Nature is a quarterly online magazine offering essays, stories, poetry and artwork by scientists, scholars, pastors, students, and lay persons around the world on all topics in science and Christian faith.
God & Nature magazine provides a forum where ideas and questions can be explored in depth, by many different voices occupying many different positions. G&N is published by the American Scientific Affiliation (ASA), founded in 1941 as an international network of Christians in the sciences. With its counterpart to the north, the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation (CSCA) and its friends across the pond, Christians in Science (CiS), ASA members are dedicated to promoting rigorous and open-minded research and dialogue on science and theology. To see previous issues, please click on Past Issues, or go to the Archives page. The ASA is not an advocacy organization. Wherever there is honest disagreement on an aspect of science, Christian faith, or the relationship between the two, the ASA strives to create a safe environment where dialogue can flourish and diverse, oftentimes contrasting, ideas can be discussed with courtesy and respect. God and Nature reflects that policy in it's content and tone. Membership in the ASA, CSCA, or CiS is open to all those concerned with the relationship between science and Christian faith—including scientists, teachers, students, and clergy from all Christian denominations. To learn more or to become a member of the ASA, CSCA or CiS, please click below: -ASA membership page -CSCA membership page -CiS membership page ![]() God and Nature
American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) Editor-in-Chief Sy Garte, Rutgers University Managing Editor Aniko Albert, NPI Editorial Advisors John Wood, ASA, Kings University Vicki L. Best, ASA Randy Isaac, ASA James Peterson, ASA, Roanoke College |