One of the things I've come to love about the ASA is the great diversity of interests its members have. So often in our society, the intersection of science and faith is reduced to arguments about origins, and while these discussions are important, the proliferation of debates, websites, and literary content about evolution and Christianity sometimes overshadows other interesting and relevant science/faith topics in fields like neuroscience, ecology, bioethics, and medicine.
As God & Nature Magazine turns two years old, I feel we are also turning another, more metaphorical corner: from a young publication still finding itself to one with a sense of identity and a more mature understanding of its mission. This special edition of God & Nature Magazine features a tour of content from past issues as a way to introduce this resource to new readers—to showcase our multidisciplinary focus and our commitment to lifting our voices in awe and wonder of the world around us, beyond the controversy that so often characterizes our conversations.
If you're a returning reader already familiar with the magazine, we hope you'll enjoy re-discovering some of our favorite articles in these pages, and hope you'll pass this link on to friends, family, and colleagues!