"On the Extinction of Matter Near a Black HOle"
by Ruth Hoppin
Atomic particles dance like clowns on the brink of shaking the ultimate bond; into the vortex catapulting over the edge with strange exulting. These are spawned a paradigm of all the progeny of time whose fate is sealed in the drift of stars, strewn like the roll of a trillion dice, lighted like candles on a cake to be extinguished one by one to vanish, perchance, or to be reborn. ~from Spinning the Arrow of Time |
Ruth Hoppin is best known as the author of Priscilla's Letter: Finding the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, a book in the field of New Testament
studies that has been translated into Spanish, and she speaks and writes on this subject. Her general interest articles and poems have been widely published. Ruth lives in Daly City, a suburb of San Francisco, where she and her husband Stuart raised a family. The Hoppins are parishioners of Holy Child & St. Martin Episcopal Church, where she leads science and faith seminars and Bible discussion groups. Her interests include travel, studying French, and playing the recorder. |