God and Nature Winter 2025

Every Six Steps
(Considering 2 Samuel 6)
By Cheryl Grey Bostrom
(Considering 2 Samuel 6)
By Cheryl Grey Bostrom

Yesterday I read how
David led them to
built a cart,
spanking new and sturdy,
to bring your Name to Jerusalem.
Why a cart?
Did a pole break?
Were their shoulders sore?
Or did they forget
your way
to carry the hot terror
of Love’s undiluted glory
before the blood price
yet to be paid
would give them permission
to come so close?
David led them to
built a cart,
spanking new and sturdy,
to bring your Name to Jerusalem.
Why a cart?
Did a pole break?
Were their shoulders sore?
Or did they forget
your way
to carry the hot terror
of Love’s undiluted glory
before the blood price
yet to be paid
would give them permission
to come so close?

Or perhaps they remembered, but
chose a workaround,
as if You wouldn’t mind.

Even so,
when the ox stumbled,
and Uzzah reached,
I imagine You grieved
until later, when
they moved You again--
according to instructions.
This time,
David danced ahead,
but after six steps,
only six steps,
he turned to You.
when the ox stumbled,
and Uzzah reached,
I imagine You grieved
until later, when
they moved You again--
according to instructions.
This time,
David danced ahead,
but after six steps,
only six steps,
he turned to You.

What if I called your Name
Every six steps?
Sought You that often?
What slips would I dodge?
What stumbles?
How close would we be?
Pacific Northwest naturalist and photographer Cheryl Grey Bostrom is the author of four books, including the multiple-award winning novels SUGAR BIRDS and LEANING ON AIR. A former teacher and columnist, she lives with her veterinarian husband and a small pack of Gordon setters in rural Washington State.